Account History API

The history API is available from the full node via websockets.

Account History


Get operations relevant to the specified account.

vector<operation_history_object> graphene::app::history_api::get_account_history(
    const std::string account_id_or_name, 
    operation_history_id_type stop = operation_history_id_type(), 
    unsigned limit = 100, 
    operation_history_id_type start = operation_history_id_type())const
  • account_id_or_name: The account ID or name whose history should be queried

  • stop: ID of the earliest operation to retrieve

  • limit: Maximum number of operations to retrieve (must not exceed 100)

  • start: ID of the most recent operation to retrieve


Get only asked operations relevant to the specified account.

vector<operation_history_object> graphene::app::history_api::get_account_history_operations(
    const std::string account_id_or_name, 
    int operation_type, 
    operation_history_id_type start = operation_history_id_type(), 
    operation_history_id_type stop = operation_history_id_type(), 
    unsigned limit = 100)const
  • account_id_or_name: The account ID or name whose history should be queried

  • operation_type: The type of the operation we want to get operations in the account ( 0 = transfer , 1 = limit order create, …)

  • stop: ID of the earliest operation to retrieve

  • limit: Maximum number of operations to retrieve (must not exceed 100)

  • start: ID of the most recent operation to retrieve


Get operations relevant to the specified account referenced by an event numbering specific to the account. The current number of operations for the account can be found in the account statistics (or use 0 for start).

vector<operation_history_object> graphene::app::history_api::get_relative_account_history(
    const std::string account_id_or_name, 
    uint64_t stop = 0, 
    unsigned limit = 100, 
    uint64_t start = 0)const
  • account_id_or_name: The account ID or name whose history should be queried

  • stop: Sequence number of earliest operation. 0 is default and will query ‘limit’ number of operations.

  • limit: Maximum number of operations to retrieve (must not exceed 100)

  • start: Sequence number of the most recent operation to retrieve. 0 is default, which will start querying from the most recent operation.

Market History


Get details of order executions occurred most recently in a trading pair.

vector<order_history_object> graphene::app::history_api::get_fill_order_history(
    std::string a, 
    std::string b, 
    uint32_t limit)const
  • a: Asset symbol or ID in a trading pair

  • b: The other asset symbol or ID in the trading pair

  • limit: Maximum records to return


Get OHLCV data of a trading pair in a time range.

vector<bucket_object> graphene::app::history_api::get_market_history(
    std::string a, 
    std::string b, 
    uint32_t bucket_seconds, 
    fc::time_point_sec start, 
    fc::time_point_sec end)const
  • a: Asset symbol or ID in a trading pair

  • b: The other asset symbol or ID in the trading pair

  • bucket_seconds: Length of each time bucket in seconds.

  • start: The start of a time range, E.G. “2018-01-01T00:00:00”

  • end: The end of the time range


Get OHLCV time bucket lengths supported (configured) by this API server.

flat_set<uint32_t> graphene::app::history_api::get_market_history_buckets()const

A list of time bucket lengths in seconds.

For example, if the result contains a number “300” it means this API server supports OHLCV data aggregated in 5-minute buckets.

Last updated