The user guide helps user to understand the various functionalities of NEX application. The below section guides the user to perform desired operations,
This section helps the new user in account creation. It also explains the existing user login operation. Click the below link to learn about this in details,
The dashboard has four different operations and it is the home page of NEX application. The dashboard provide the options such as Deposit, withdraw, swap and market functions. Click the below link to learn more,
The market activity page helps the user to choose the trading pair to perform sell/buy operations. It's one of the important page which helps the user to learn about the activities such as performance, history, order history, and open orders of any selected trading pair. Click the belwo link to learn in detail,
Blockchain represents the detailed list of block, time, supply (PPY), and ID. The user can switch between witnesses, sons and committees to learn more about each in details. The fees section provide list of all activities and respective fees involved. Click the below link to learn more in detail,
The settings page helps the user to alter any existing feature based on preferences. It provides option to setup language, generate keys and membership. Click below to learn more about the setting operation,
Wallet page show the list of assets, asset send & receive option which helps user to perform any operations at ease. Click the below link learn the wallet operation in detail,
The profile page has the option to check the activities of the user such as open orders, order history, activities, and notification in the account. Click the below link to learn more in detail,
The voting page helps the user to verify any desired account and perform voting operation. The sections are classified as witness, sons and committee. The user also has the option to choose proxy account. Click the below link to learn in detail,
Click the below link to learn about the options to perform logout operation.
The page to create login for new users
Navigate to PeerplaysDEX dashboard.
Click on Create account to create a new login.
3. Enter the desired Username.
The user name should start with lowercase.
The user name should not contain,
Capital Letter
Special Characters
Only digits
4. For the first time, the password is auto-generated. Copy that password and paste it into the "re-enter your auto-generated master password" box.
5. Click "Download Recovery password file here" option to download the Keys to use for future login.
6. Enable the checkboxes and click on create account.
7. After successful login, the following screen will be displayed.
The Peerplays blockchain section helps the user to understand the transactions happening in the blocks. This page has the details of blockchain, assets, witnesses, committees, sons, and fees associated with that account.
To navigate to this page, click on the Blocks from the list of options available in the Menu on the right pane.
The block page consists of details about the blocks associated with the account. The tabs under this page are Blockchain, Assets, Witnesses, Committees, Sons, and Fees.
This tab contains information about the block based on the recent activity. The information consists of current block, last irreversible block, confirmation time, supply.
The most recent block activity will be featured on the top of page and it will be updated based on each block activity.
Click on a specfic Block ID to learn about the block in detail.
The number of assets associated with the account will be listed in numbers. The search bar provides an option to search assets along with the option to download the details in PDF/CSV file format for future reference.
The filter options available to sort the assets are ID, Max supply, and Precision in ascending/descending order. Also, the assets can be sorted based on certain categories using symbol, name, and issuer options.
The witnesses associated with the account will be listed in blocks. The number of active and current witnesses along with earnings will be listed.
The search bar helps in finding the witness at ease. There is an option to download the list in PDF/CSV format for future reference.
The filter function helps to sort the data based on rank, total votes, last block, and missed block counts.
Click on the name to learn about the witness activity in detail.
The number of active committees for the account will be displayed in blocks. The search bar helps in finding the member at ease. There is an option to download the list in PDF/CSV format for future reference.
The filters will be based on rank, and total votes and can be sorted in ascending/descending order. Click on the name to learn the activity of each committee in detail.
The activities of any specific committee member can be monitored/viewed by clicking on the committee name.
The number of active Sons will be displayed in blocks along with the budget and next vote update time.
The search bar helps in finding the account at ease. There is an option to download the list in PDF/CSV format for future reference.
Based on Rank and total votes the list can be filtered. Click on the particular name to learn their activity in detail.
The standard fees associated with each transaction will be listed along with their operation type like transfer, update, withdraw, etc.,
This tab provides the list of accounts associated with the chain. Clicking on the account id/account name will direct to detailed activities of that particular account.
The first screen on the NEX page
There are 4 tabs in the dashboard section,
This section helps the user to deposit assets into the account. The current version supports three assets BTC, HIVE, and ETH.
To deposit Bitcoin, select BTC from the drop-down list and click on Generate Bitcoin address. This prompts you to enter the password to confirm the validation.
Please follow the steps in the below link for any Bitcoin transaction,
To deposit HIVE/HBD, select HIVE from the drop-down menu. It instructs to send funds to son-account on hive blockchain with memo as account name.
To deposit Ethereum, first, the user should add the Ethereum deposit address,
To withdraw the desired asset choose withdraw tab in the dashboard. There are two assets supported in this version BTC and HIVE.
Select BTC from the list of options in the drop-down list.
Enter the required amount of BTC to be withdrawn.
Enter the Compressed withdraw public key & address from the keys text file.
The Estimated fee, total transaction, and time will be calculated based on the withdrawal amount.
Click on the Withdraw button to initiate the transaction.
Select HIVE from the list of options available in the drop-down list
Enter the amount to be withdrawn from the account
Enter the HIVE account withdrawal address in the text box
The Fees, total transaction, and time will be calculated based on the withdrawal amount.
Click on Withdraw to initiate the transaction.
Select ETH from the list of options available in the drop-down list.
Enter the amount to be withdrawn from the account.
Enter the ETH account address withdrawal address in the text box.
The Fees, total transaction, and time will be calculated based on the withdrawal amount.
Click on Withdraw to initiate the transaction.
The swap functionality is a quick way to exchange the asset. The assets that can be exchanged with each other are Bitcoin(BTC), Hive (HBD), and Peerplays (PPY).
Select the asset from which the amount has to be swapped and enter the amount to be transferred.
Select the asset to which the amount has to be received. The amount will be calculated based on the transfer amount.
The fees and type of transaction will be displayed.
4. Click on the Swap Coins button to initiate the swap which prompts you to enter the password for validation.
5. The swap order will be displayed. Click on Confirm button to complete the swap.
6. After successful swapping, the success message will be displayed.
7. Click Done to reflect the changes in the dashboard.
The Market tab is the shortcut way to choose the Trading pair for any transaction. The trading pairs will be listed in blocks, hover over the blocks to click any option.
On clicking the desired block, it will direct to the Market tab to display all the activities of the Trading pair in detail.
The Market page can also be chosen from the list of options available from the menu.
An example to get the bitcoin address
Depending on the wallet that you’re using, you may have to use a tool like to find your Public Key if it’s not already displayed in your wallet.
Wasabi Wallet, for example, displays your Public key.
But wallets like and Exodus require you to use external tools like to find your Public Key.
In this example, we’ll be using Wasabi Wallet as the Deposit address and Exodus as the withdrawal address.
As you can see in the image below, the Deposit Address (Wasabi Wallet) is bc1qhlu97p4ehnvt2274na5xqra5n8a8cnumavatn3
The Deposit Public Key is 02d5a014ec94974a01b5b81550bbcf6a629715140d38e7da5f1c2c71ccdcd8b61c
The Withdraw Address (Exodus Wallet) is bc1qrk768lztvrjduama2ruuut9eweamtz5ru4vmhl
But we must find the Withdraw Private Key.. Here’s how:
Open your wallet. As seen in the image above, click on the three dotted lines and click “View Private Keys.” Then Click ”Yes, I’m sure.”
Next, type your account password.
And now you’ll see your Bitcoin deposit Address as well as your Private Key. Copy the address that starts with bc1 and it’s Private key.
The Withdraw Private Key is L5896NkkABQ9PCcWHQiM1tAyFWoPtaEf1uLRQ5eG7nTvzXeXY29g
Paste your Private Key and click “View Details.”
You will find your Public Key over here. Make sure you copy and paste the compressed, 66 characters [0-9A-F] and NOT the 130 Characters key.
We now have the Deposit Public Key, the Withdraw Public Key, and the Withdraw Address.
Deposit Public Key (Wasabi Wallet – already displayed): 02d5a014ec94974a01b5b81550bbcf6a629715140d38e7da5f1c2c71ccdcd8b61c
Withdraw Public Key (Exodus Wallet – found through bitaddress.org): 038F14B6B61EF0AE7EF8317E757807CA8322257C96D54635979C1FBBB899621AF2
Withdraw Address (Exodus Wallet): bc1qrk768lztvrjduama2ruuut9eweamtz5ru4vmhl
The settings page helps the user to manage the activities of the accounts like language selection, lock account, notification settings, key management, and membership.
There are three sections in the settings page,
Key Management
The general section consists of option to select language, enable notification and set lock wallet time.
Select language option has a drop-down menu to choose language among English and Russia.
Show notification option has Yes/No selection to enable/disable notification based on user's choice. By selecting Yes, the check boxes to enable notification for each activities will be visible. By selecting No, the check boxes will be grayed out.
Lock wallet option has the drop-down list with time in minutes. This helps the user to choose a desired time to lock the account.
The URL to copy the faucet link will be provide at the bottom of the page.
This tab helps the user to generate keys for owner, active and memo account. The public account key will be listed at the bottom of the page.
a. The user has to enter the Master password in the tab provided.
b. Select the keys that has to be generated by clicking the required name such as Owner, Active and Memo
c. Click the button Let's go to generate the keys.
This tab provide the details about the existing information about the account. The details include Fee allocation, Fee statistics, Pending Fees, Vesting Fees.
This page allow the user to Buy Lifetime Subscription in a single click.
The wallet option allows the user to view the asset available in that account. It also has the option to send and receive assets from other accounts.
The Wallet has three sections,
This section displays the list of assets available in the account. A search option is available to find any desired asset. The list of assets can be downloaded in the form of a PDF/CSV file.
The list of assets can be filtered based on symbol, name, available tokens, and orders.
Each asset has two buttons namely, send/receive to perform the transaction in a single click.
The send section has the option to send available assets from one wallet to another account.
Fill in the form with the correct input based on your transaction.
2. Click on the Send button to initiate the transfer. Next, it prompts you to enter the password for validation.
3. Click on Confirm to complete the transaction. The asset will be successfully transferred to another account.
To receive an asset from another account to your account, the wallet receives option can be used. Select the desired option under the Receive Assets drop-down list.
Based on the asset selection the hint to perform the transfer will be provided. Follow that to complete the transaction.
We will now use the Private Key to find out our Public Key. Simply head over to . Then, click “Wallet Details”.
To logout of the account, the user has two option.
The user can click on the account name in the header tab and choose logout option.
2. The user can click the menu option and logout will be at the bottom of the list.
The profile page displays the information about the orders, activities and notification of the account.
The order tab displays the collection of all details about the Open order and Order history happened from the beginning of account creation.
It also provide the option to download the PDF/CSV file in a single click.
This tab provide the list of activities happening in the account. Based on the time of activity, there is filter option to sort in either ascending/descending order.
With the Type filter, based on activities like create an account, fill order, cancel order, etc., it can be sorted.
Each activities has its own information about the activity, ID and Fee involved in it.
This tab provides the list of notifications occurred in the account. Based on the time of notification, there is filter option to sort in either ascending/descending order.
With the Type filter, based on notification like create account, fill order, cancel order, etc., it can be sorted.
Each notification has its own information about the activity, ID and Fee involved in it.
The market activity page helps in analysing the statistics of any trading pair. The statistics include the value of current price, change (in percentage), volume for any trading pair.
The trading pair will be between the following assets,
The market page navigation can be done in two ways,
From the Dashboard
Click on the Market Tab in the Dashboard page and select any Trading pair to navigate to the Market page.
2. From the Menu option
On the home page, click on the three dots present in the right pane. All the options available will be listed and select Market from the available options to navigate to the Market tab.
The market page consists of the following sections,
Trading pair selection
Buy and Sell asset
My Open orders
My Open History
To select any trading pair, click on the drop-down button available on the left pane of the market page. The drop-down option opens a tab to select the desired asset for trading.
The select pair tab will allow the user to choose any assets like BTC, HBD, HIVE, and PPY. The pairing can be done among these assets.
In the recent pair option, the existing selection will be displayed. The user can choose the trading pair from this button too.
Finally, click on confirm to choose the trading pair or choose to cancel to go back to the market page.
For any trading pair, the details about the pair will be listed like current price, change and volume. There are two options to analyse the selected trading pair namely,
Order Book
Trade history and My History
This option provides details about the total, sell, and buy orders based on user selection from the options available.
It also has a drop-down list to choose the threshold value.
The history option helps the user to analyse the previous activities under the selected trading pair. It shows the details about the buy and selling details of asset with price and time.
Red color represents the sell orders while green color is for buy orders.
This section on the Market page helps to Buy/sell the asset of the selected Trading pair. The assets will change according to the pair selection. In this example, the selected trading pair is BTC/PPY.
Input the value for the Price and quantity of an asset to calculate the Total value. Based on the input, the fees, market fees, and balance will be updated. Click on the Buy/Sell button to place the order.
The user has to click on the "sell" tab to sell the asset pair. The below diagram explains the options available to select when selling the asset.
The open orders tab displays the current order details for the selected trading pair. The details include price, asset value (in this case, BTC and PPY), expiration, and action.
In this section, the order history of the selected trading pair will be displayed. The values such as asset (In this example BTC and PPY), price and date of purchase are listed.
The asset option on the market page has two options "Deposit" and "Withdraw" which on the click navigates to the wallet page for receiving and sending assets respectively.
The GPOS page allows the user to perform operations like power up, power down, and voting. The Gamified Proof of Stake (GPOS) is for blockchain governance by voting for the various nodes in the network. Users need a simple and intuitive way to compare the candidates they can vote on. The page consists of 5 different tabs,
Click on the Power Up button in the GPOS tab. This mainly allows the user to participate in voting. The notice to explain the user participation is listed on this page.
The opening and available balance is shown in the text boxes.
Click on '+' to increase the deposit value
The new balance will be updated based on the deposit.
Click on Vest to begin the transaction and it prompts to enter the password for validation.
Next, Click on confirm to complete the transaction.
Click on Done, after successful transaction. The amount will be vested into the desired account.
When the user has a need to withdraw the asset from power up, then Power down will be the option.
Click on Power down option from the GPOS tab, that switch to power down tab in the next page
The notice about the withdraw of balance and it's impact will be listed.
Next, the opening balance, available balance will be listed in text boxes.
The user has to increase the withdraw value to withdraw any desired amount.
The new balance will be updated based on withdraw value.
Click on withdraw button to initiate the transaction. It prompts to enter the password to validate the account.
Next, Click on confirm to complete the transaction.
Clicking on Vote will direct to the main page of GPOS. The tabs such as Witnesses, Sons, and committees has the list of name which has the option to Vote.
The Action section in the last column helps the user to vote desired account.
User has to click on the Thumps up icon symbol under the Action column of the desired account.
The icon will be grayed out to denote that voting has been done.
At the bottom of the page, Confirm button will be enabled and click on the button.
It prompts to enter the password to validate the account.
Next, click on confirm to complete the voting process.
The sidechains available for the account will be listed by clicking on the '+' symbol. The list of sidechains are Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Hive.
The proxy option helps to add other account with the existing account to perform the function of that account in this existing one.
Enter a valid account name in the search box which enable Add button.
Click on ADD to add the account.
Click on Publish Changes button to apply the changes and to add the account.